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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "You can get elected by telling stupid people they're right. That's what Hitler did". Per author Ken Follett just now on TV. Agree/dis?

"You can get elected by telling stupid people they're right. That's what Hitler did". Per author Ken Follett just now on TV. Agree/dis?

He is a guest right this very moment on the Hugh Hewitt Show and that's what he said he did. If true it doesn't say much for the electorate does it? AS long as stupid people vote anyone can get elected.

Posted - November 25, 2017


  • 6988
    I did not vote for Trump, I voted for the party, for the way of life. Anything but Hillary! 
      November 25, 2017 6:16 AM MST

  • 113301
     I think you know Hillary was not an easy person for me to support. It's just that Doofus Donny was so much worse. I feel sorry for the True Republican Conservative. Trump demolished whatever the party stood for and now holds everyone hostage. Whatever happens happens and it is (may I remind you) NOT the will of the majority of Americans. Hillary "won" the popular vote by almost 3 MILLION bh. So majority does not  rule. Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 26, 2017 2:28 AM MST

  • The German people were told what they needed to hear. Their's was a nation in economic ruin and in political shambles. It is a lesson of history that people will gravitate to those promising a restoration of order and security, without which nothing else can be accomplished. Those people weren't stupid. Someone threw them a lifeline and they held on. With restoration came pride. The kind of pride that precedes destruction. 
      November 25, 2017 6:44 AM MST

  • 5614
    Don't you just love democracy? Dont'cha?
      November 25, 2017 9:08 AM MST

  • 113301
    I do. It is currently MIA. I wonder if it will stay that way? Thank you for your double question..or single question doubled. Happy Sunday.
      November 26, 2017 2:29 AM MST

  • 10034
    And yet, you rail against anyone who chooses not to vote. Either you want everyone to vote, or you don't want stupid people to vote. Which is it. BTW, I bet a lot of stupid people voted the same way you did.
      November 25, 2017 10:45 AM MST

  • 1233
    Not really. Politics isn't rocket science. Anyone can understand it. It's about right and wrong. Someone's ability to grasp right and wrong has little to do with their intellect. It's about wisdom. Intelligent people are just as easily manipulated as stupid people.

    Somewhat intelligent people often invest some of their ego in being intelligent and are terrified that someone might think they're dumb. All the system has to do is convince them that intelligent people believe something, and they'll follow like sheep. Intelligent people often delusionally think they are part of the establishment. They think that people like them run things. They see themselves as part of the great and the good. It makes them gullible as hell. People of average or even low intelligence can still have a lot of street smarts.

    The left constantly condescend to stupid people (even though their own ranks have plenty of them) because leftism is a fundamentally elitist authoritarian philosophy. It thinks all the little people should just shut their mouths and be lorded over by a technocratic elite. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at November 29, 2017 1:02 PM MST
      November 25, 2017 11:31 AM MST

  • 7280

    I can understand why you might think that, but let me assure you, intelligent people ARE NOT just as easily manipulated as stupid people. Our main problem is thinking that stupid people couldn't possibly be THAT stupid---and we forget how necessary it is to exhaustively explain to them the things are are obvious to us.

    Stupid people require exhaustive reprogramming to learn how to reason---and the recidivism rate is disappointingly high.  (And yes, some of their decisions are as harmful as criminal acts, so recidivism, is an appropriate world to use.)

      November 25, 2017 1:46 PM MST

  • 1233
    Your attitude is a perfect example of the narcissism I'm talking about. Your posts reek of it.

    I didn't say that intelligence had no advantages in a general sense. It correlates to many positive outcomes. I simply said it doesn't make a person any more immune to political manipulation.

    Low intelligence correlates to poverty, with all the suffering that brings, which in turn correlates to emotional problems. High intelligence correlates to success in life and in turn correlates to DIFFERENT emotional problems such as pride. Whatever a person's emotional vulnerabilities are, manipulators will target them. Intelligence is just one of that factors that determines what type of manipulation a person is vulnerable to.

    Pseudo intellectuals like to pretend they have somehow transcended primitive animal emotion and become "rational". Nobody is rational. It's just a bullsh*t word. Emotion is the foundation of the human condition. Intellect is just a tool to get the things our emotions motivate us to pursue.
      November 25, 2017 5:00 PM MST

  • 113301
    Pardon my intrusion tom but I have only ever heard the word "recidivism" used in conjunction with repeat offenders who keep going back to jail. I have never heard it used in this context. Brilliant m'dear!. Seriously. Depressing as he** too but that is not your fault.  Happy Sunday tom! :)
      November 26, 2017 2:32 AM MST

  • 6098
    Not just stupid but smart people.  No Hitler had more going for him than just that. 
      November 25, 2017 12:10 PM MST

  • 113301
    Wondering how and why things happened as they did in the past is often frustrating and fruitless. There are many theories but which among them are facts?  Thank you for your reply officegirl and Happy Sunday! :)
      November 26, 2017 2:33 AM MST

  • 1430
    Ken follet... is a awesome book writer.... i read the pillars of the earth from him, a really good novel
      November 25, 2017 1:46 PM MST

  • 113301
    I have never read one of his books but I have heard of him and I was seriously impressed with him. Thank you for your reply franc and Happy Sunday to you m'deaer!  :)
      November 26, 2017 2:34 AM MST